What Are My Vulnerabilities?

Making The Risk Tangble

Every journey begins with a single step and when it comes to cyber risk management the most effective way to begin is to try to understand the risk as something which is tangible and can be measured. Once you are able understand the ways in which you are vulnerable and the potential costs of an incident.

These reports can provide a score akin to a ‘cyber credit check’ which is given context by peer to peer comparisons. The reports use the registration details of a domain and connect this to other domains that have been registered using similar details and checks all of the external Internet facing services that are being run by your organisation are then identified. This would include database and server providers, the email policy, security and configuration information that is available. This is collated and used to determine the cyber vulnerabilities of your organisation and those other organisations within your peer group.

Individual cyber risk reports can identify areas that require your immediate attention and other that may require action in future. Clear guidance on how you can fix weaknesses and vulnerabilities can be provided. Some providers are able to offer ongoing support with the option of re-scanning for threats. There are also companies which can run a system which simulates cyber attacks on your system. This will enable you to see how your interface will react to real life situations. There are also reporting tools which can monitor ‘chatter’ about your organisation on the dark web which can serve as an early warning system on whether your are on the radar of cyber criminals.

Cyber insurers look favourably upon this sort of proactive approach and some providers even include an element of this sort of insight into their packages so it is an excellent time to speak to us about what is available and what we would recommend.

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